Our second album, Crowes and Consequences, is coming right along. We've gotten all the base tracks done, and Susan's due in today to do her bits!
But now! Now, we have the first bits of our infamous Critters! Take a look!

Dust bunny is our Captain
He keeps us all in line
And he always keeps his watch tight
As he is keeper of our Time
He runs us forward backward round
Til every deed is done
Then makes sure we all have a perfect
Seat to watch the fun
He makes us laugh, he makes us growl
He keeps us fit to stalk and howl
And he always keeps the sharpest eye
Beneath his heather cowl

Back in the coat closet
You’ll find Magdalen T. Shrout
And whenever there’s a party
That’s when she’s about
She nicks the gloves folks leave behind
But not just on a whim
She unravels the woven ones
And knits them up again
For Magdalen makes all the clothes
For Dust Bunny and his band
So if you’re ever at these parties
Go ahead, give her a ‘hand’

Buttonhole is the shy one
Some doubt that she exists
But if you leave out lemon peel
She simply can't resist
She rearranges everything
From shells to spoons to stone
And where you'll find the shampoo next
Only Buttonhole knows
The spirit house upon the shelf
Is where she makes her home
and if any try to talk to her
She says,"I want to be alone."

When the Christmas tree comes
Firrigard comes to life
He swings about like Tarzan
from the ornaments and lights
He reties all the ribbons
Into impossible bows
And he loves to play matchmaker
By moving the Mistletoe
He spices all the cider
whether you want it or not
And he nips just a spoonful
Just as long as its hot

Pickles got left in the fridge one day
He never did that again
But he earned his name and used it well
To our sweet lady’s ends
Though the scent of dill does follow him
To table, hall and toaster
Believe me when I tell you
What he does is never kosher
He sings the ice in cups to crack
He whistles cats to pounce
And he’s the one who makes the glasses
Not break, but bounce

You're lucky if you see young Esler
More than once or twice
She's light of foot with foxie ears
And a nose for every spice
Whenever peppers are hung to dry
It always make her bolder
So never mind when you hear a rattling
In the wooden spoon holder
The frying pan is her pride and joy
Cast iron, perfect for eggs
But don't forget to wash it out
Or she'll throw beans at your head!
Taka looks like an old librarian
From Victorian Hyde Park
But don’t let the bouffant fool you
Those fangs are razor sharp
She loves the wing chimes in the hall
And collects fresh water shells
And ourlady has stopped wondering
Why the books reshelve themselves
They all go back in order
Each volume in its place
But if you put one back wrong
She just might eat your face

Whizzerlives in the bathroom sink
Not underit, in the drain
He moved in when she replaced the floor
And never moved out again
He blesses all the band-aids
He sleeps with his helmet lit
He tunnels through the garden
To make the seeds all fit
He’s brown with dirt and minty fresh
He’s quick with a pebble, too
So careful of the flowers
Or you’ll find one in your shoe
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