Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Crowes and Consequenses!

It’s finally time! We’re getting revved up for Cheshire Moon’s second album, ‘Crowes and Consequences!’ We’ll be roving about the studio with a flock of some of our favorite musicians, including Jason Neerenburg from Toyboat! That’s right, the overlord of bass will be unleashed on our songs, alongside the enigmatic guitar stylings of the young Jared Coleman, the winding dance of Susan Weiner (who’s moving to Chicago, dang it all), all unique voices lending their own light to breathe life into these new stories.

 We went with Kickstarter for our first album, but this time we’re going with IndieGoGo.com (Context and my apologies for the sour note). We’re also teaming up with artist Matt Hawk, the infamous creator of the artwork SJ Tucker, Tricky Pixie, ManOverBoard, and much more! As many of you know, we had a song on our first album about a mischievous band of housemates, called Critters. Well, they wanted to be seen by the world, and who better to bring them to life? That and I try not to argue with sprites. Healthier that way.

Also joining the fray is artist Shawna Jasques, who will be doing our album cover! Shawna art captures one of the most unique perspectives in indie art, but don't take my word for it! <a href-"https://www.facebook.com/ShawnaJaquez?fref=ts"> Go ffind out!</a>

 So keep an ear out, because we’re hoping to get the project off the ground and into the aether by July 1st!

(PsycheDalek Army, ACTIVATE!)

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